14:20 PM

'What doesn't challenge you, doesn't change you'

Student of the Week: Cassandra Castro

‘If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you,’ that quote has stuck with me and encourages me to try new things, so I hope it inspires others also. This is how we can help others.

STC Student of the Week Cassandra Castro

Cassandra Castro, a rising star at South Texas College, is paving her way toward a bright future as an aspiring elementary teacher.

For Castro, her inspiration to become a teacher was found through a family friend.

 “Witnessing my mother's friend educate and positively influence young minds kindled my passion for teaching,” she said. “Inspiration sometimes strikes in unexpected ways.”

She is now a student in STC’s Early Childhood Education Associate of Arts program and is expected to graduate in 2025.

 Castro’s fascination with the teaching profession goes above the curriculum, she said.

“I’m captivated by understanding children and their behavior. I recognize that this insight is key to effective teaching,” said Castro.

 But, like many students, the 21-year-old began college with a touch of shyness. However, it wasn’t long before she found her stride and a supportive community at STC.

Her college experience was enriched when she crossed paths with Mark Cardenas—a fellow student who is part of the Student Government Association (SGA) at STC. Castro's involvement in SGA marked a turning point in her college journey.

 She said she took the bold step of joining during her first semester, a testament to her commitment to making a difference.

 Castro added that she has enjoyed the program so much, that she inspired to become a senator next year, a role that would allow her to advocate for the student body and contribute to the betterment of the college community.

 “It is so special to understand and share student ideas and opinions of how we can help the school,” she said.

 One of Castro’s favorite memories with SGA is taking a group trip to Austin to speak with state representatives and senators.

 “Everyone from SGA was a part of it. We got together and tried to help STC students by sharing our voice on things we want to see for South Texas College,” Castro said.

In addition to her academic achievements and leadership roles, Castro is also a part of the STC softball league.

 Castro said she thrives in the competitive atmosphere of softball and encourages other women to join the team.

 “‘If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you,’ that quote has stuck with me and encourages me to try new things, so I hope it inspires others also,” she said. “This is how we can help others.”

 Castro is excited to continue her journey in STC’s softball team starting in October, continue growing as a leader student at STC, and eventually transfer to the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley to continue her dream of becoming an elementary teacher.